"Oh, Gerald! I just can't wait until I see all your pretty undies and frocks!" Nancy chattered, tugging him along.

As they began to climb the staircase his petticoats created a pretty frou-frou. Nancy exclaimed, "Don't you just adore wearing pretty frills and rustly pettis, Gerald dear?"

"I do not enjoy them. It's mean and horrid of you to say such things!" Gerald exclaimed.

"Even so, they are so becoming to you," she teased, bursting into a veritable fit of giggling.

"You stop saying such things!" Gerald shouted. "I hate wearing girls' clothes. I hate having to pretend I'm a girl!"

Upon entering his room, they found his maid Josie already there, tidying it up. Gerald dearly hoped that she would remain and not leave him to Nancy's none-too-tender mercies.

"Oh, Gerald, what an adorable room!" Nancy cooed, "I wish I had one half as nice as this one is!"

"It's quite suited to a charming young



lady of wealth and position, isn't it, my dear Nancy?" Josie teased.

"Oh, yes, Josie, and Gerald makes the darlingest little girl, doesn't he?" Nancy added.

"Indeed he does, Miss Nancy!" Josie


"And he promises to show me all his pretty frillies, too, Nancy said,

"I never did any such thing!" Gerald exclaimed.


Ignoring his outburst, Josie replied, "Of cours he did, Miss Nancy! Now I must leave you two together, as I have a number of things to take care of downstairs,"

The maid gave Gerald a severe look as she added, "Please remember your manners, Master Gerald, and no nonsense! You are to do anything Miss Nancy asks you to do, no matter what it is. Remember what happens if you disobey me!"

Then she turned to Nancy, who was giggling uncontrollably. "Whatever are you giggling about, Miss Nancy?"

Pointing her finger at Gerald in a

